Accelerating climate change is posing greater environmental and natural disaster risks to the Caribbean region. This document is an executive summary providing an overview of a multi-agency study presented by the Caribbean Risk Management Initiative (CRMI). Its focus is on the gendered dimensions of climate change and disaster risk management and adaptation in the Caribbean region. Its primary objective is to help improve policies and practices by analysing the ways in which men and women are differently impacted. It does this by first describing frameworks for examining gender and risk reduction. It then outlines the factors affecting gender-specific vulnerabilities to climate change and disasters in the Caribbean, before moving to a review of literature on gender, climate change and risk reduction. The final section describes the research conclusions, which include the following recommendation: promote gender mainstreaming in the Ministries of Finance, Planning and Agriculture in order to generate gender-sensitive rural development, particularly the increase of programmes to increase women’s capacity to confront climate change (as well as support from men). This project also serves to strengthen the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2005–2015), the first internationally accepted framework for disaster risk reduction, which includes a gender-mainstreaming component.
The CRMI research project homepage includes access to a detailed breakdown of the full report, including in-depth country assessments and individual case studies.
Publication date
Type of publication
CTCN Keyword Matches
Climate change monitoring
Disaster risk assessment tools
Disaster risk reduction