
The Coimbatore District in the state of Tamil Nadu in southern India is the site of an energy intensive cluster of more than 600 small-scale grey iron metal foundries which consume 180000 tons of coke and 600 million kWh of electricity a year. There is already a wider multi-agency project to facilitate general business development in the Coimbatore cluster but energy efficiency investments do not happen because there is little awareness of the available solutions on all sides and a lack of local EE service providers.


To accelerate the adoption of cleaner and more energy efficient technology in the Coimbatore metal-casting cluster by building capacities on both supply and demand sides with training for customers and service providers and dialogue with government and financial institutions.


The Energy and Resources Institute

Publication date
Type of publication
REEEP Project Outputs
Energy efficiency
CTCN Keyword Matches
Energy efficiency
Smelt reduction for iron and steel sector