Ramboll Environ has been awarded a contract by the African Development Bank for transport emission mapping, monitoring and capacity building in five African cities.

Emissions from transportation are growing significantly in Africa, driven by urban sprawl, rapid motorisation and low levels of institutional capacity to manage traffic and its impacts. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) estimates that 90% of urban air pollution in developing countries is attributable to vehicle emissions and the World Health Organisation (WHO) calculates that 176,000 deaths per year in Africa are due to outdoor air pollution.

Enabling a sustainable future

To address this, the main objective of the project is to advise governments, city authorities and policy-makers on effective ways to accurately collect, store and analyse data and map transport emission within cities, as well as to identify options for financing low emission transport technologies assisting in evaluation of associated transport policies and scenarios. The project, which is expected to take eight months, will cover the cities of Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Rabat (Morocco), Yaounde (Cameroon), Dar es salaam (Tanzania) and Lusaka (Zambia). The ambition is to roll out the learnings from the project across the entire African continent.

The initiative supports the African Development Bank’s ten-year strategy, which aims to facilitate Africa’s gradual transition to ‘green growth’ that will help protect livelihoods and promote sustainable economic development.



Publication date
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CTCN Keyword Matches
Air quality management
Traffic management
United Republic of Tanzania
Community based