Case studies of enabling frameworks in developing countries 

This publication directly relates to one of the main outputs of the TNA process – the Technology Action Plan, or TAP. These TAPs comprise essential elements of an enabling framework for specific sectors and technologies; that is they bundle for a country the realistic and appropriate set of actions and policies that can help overcome barriers to deployment and diffusion of prioritised existing technologies. Because the TNA process uses flexible, participatory methods that allow countries to adapt to meet their particular circumstances, TAPs can also help countries developing Low Carbon Development Strategies and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. The case studies and arguments presented in this edition provide insights for governments on how to reform their policies and institutions so as to provide clear and stable incentives that promote diffusion of climate-friendly technologies. What emerges is that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to the successful transfer and diffusion of modern technologies. Context clearly matters, particularly when it comes to expanding the use of renewable energy resources with their site-dependent characteristics. The transfer of mitigation and adaptation technologies to developing countries is enshrined in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. UNEP has for the last decades provided both international leadership and direct policy and technical support to developing countries seeking transfer of climate-relevant technologies. With this new series we continue that tradition.

Publication date
Type of publication
Case study
Renewable energy
CTCN Keyword Matches
Renewable energy resource mapping
Technology Needs Assessment
Climate change monitoring