In response to a request the Conference of Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC made at its twenty-first session, the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee (TEC) undertook work on the development and enhancement of countries’ endogenous capacities and technologies. In its preliminary work, the TEC observed a lack of common understanding among various stakeholders on what endogenous capacities and endogenous technologies are and what developing and enhancing them might mean. The TEC therefore considered it important to first address this issue by identifying elements and features that could be used to describe endogenous capacities and technologies and the ways they could be developed or enhanced. This is a report on the findings from that work. As part of its work, the TEC sought inputs from other UNFCCC constituted bodies and from operating entities of the Financial Mechanism on the work, activities and projects they had undertaken that may be related to or contain elements of endogenous capacities and technologies. Responses indicated that no entities had undertaken work specifically relating to endogenous capacities or technologies. Nevertheless, elements thereof can be found in the projects and programmes of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The TEC conducted surveys of relevant stakeholders and experts from April to June 2018 to gain insight into their views on the elements and features that could be used to describe, develop and enhance endogenous capacities and technologies. One targeted national designated entities (NDEs) and the other relevant technology observers and experts, including former TEC members. The survey results may help countries and UNFCCC institutions to enhance their understanding of and work on these issues. A total of 92 stakeholders responded to the survey: 41 NDE respondents from 35 countries (88% from developing countries and 12% from developed countries) and 51 observers and experts from 31 countries (39% from developing countries and 61% from developed countries). The surveys found that NDEs and observers share views of elements and features that can define endogenous capacities and technologies. Nevertheless, the two groups emphasized somewhat different elements. NDEs emphasized the following capacities as the most crucial to defining endogenous capacities:

l Assessing climate-related technology needs from the individual to the national levels;

l Identifying appropriate technologies for meeting specific needs;

l Adapting technologies to local needs and conditions.

Cross-sectoral enabler
Innovation & RDD