Using Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports published between September 2006 and December 2007 by Global FT500 companies as a basis, this report examines corporate climate communications. The intention is not to document or benchmark performance, but to contrast disclosures across business sectors and regions, and to examine mitigation measures taken to give new insights into the issues. The report argues that climate change is now not only the dominant issue in CSR, it has transcended these specialist fields and is regarded as a mainstream business issue. The report finds that of the world’s 500 top companies surveyed, one third do not publish CSR reports. However, the study also reveals that nearly all companies discuss climate change (87%), most publish quantitative emissions data (78%), and well over half (65%) devote a specific section to climate change issues. This is more than just talk: these reports are on the record, they are available to anyone who cares to read them and almost half include external assurance. This shows conclusively that for most of the world’s top companies across all business sectors, regions and differing levels of market capitalisation, climate change is now a mainstream business issue. Recommendations on the way forward include:

business is setting the pace- business should be encouraged to address climate change, to measure emissions and set SMART reduction targets and disclose this information
to maximise the effectiveness of climate change reporters in addressing business change, reporting tools need further development and refinement
corporate reporting sets a precedent. Once a company has quantified data, developed policies and reported, then the wheels are in motion. At this point two factors come into play; firstly, companies continue to report and the best strive to improve by setting the pace. Secondly, companies become accountable for their published disclosures
from the results of this study, leading global business appears ready to supply the demand – but this also means that CSR stakeholders should all play our part in growing the momentum

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CTCN Keyword Matches
Climate change monitoring
Non-ferrous metals
Stakeholder consultations