This set of five briefing cards, produced by the Universal Access Project, sets out the links between sexual and reproductive health (SRHR) and five areas key to the post-2015 development agenda. The areas are education, economic benefits, the broader health agenda, gender equality and the environment. As well as explaining the connections, each briefing card contains a set of recommendations for the post-2015 development agenda.The card on SRHR and gender equality explains that when women and girls do not have full access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, their ability to contribute economically, socially and politically to their communities is severely constrained. Recommendations on this area include: • Ensuring that universal access to SRHR is included as a core strategy in broader efforts to address health in the post-2015 framework• Seeking to end the practice of child, early and forced marriage by 2030• Ensuring that all girls complete free, high quality secondary education• Provide youth friendly health information services, including comprehensive rights based sexuality educationOverall recommendations linking all the briefing cards together include ensuring that SRHR are represented under all relevant post 2015 goals and that SRHR are prioritised and addressed comprehensively in negotiations, and not limited to access to family planning.
Publication date
Type of publication
Cross-sectoral enabler
Economics and financial decision-making
Human health
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