This article examines how climate change will impact on water security, from both the supply and the demand side, and considers how the African continent is especially vulnerable to adverse impacts.In particular it explores:?What needs to be done at community levels to enable women to articulate their needs and priorities with regards to water management?Why it is important for women to be involved in the protection and management of water, and?How women are adapting to change at the local level and the implications this has for local, national and international water policies.While incremental changes are being made, women continue to be left out of the decisions on water security. The article argues that while women need to be better informed, they also need to have their own information, experiences and ideas valued and organised in ways that enable them to contribute to change. It concludes that considerably more investment of time and money is needed to support comprehensive workshop-based, peer-to-peer meetings that enable more women to explore the issues on their own terms.

Publication date
Type of publication
Human health
CTCN Keyword Matches
Climate change monitoring
Community based
Disaster risk reduction