The development objective of the Baotou Iron and Steel Energy Efficiency Project for China is to mitigate global environmental impacts of carbon dioxide (C02) emissions through purchase of C02 emissions avoided by the operation of the Baotou Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd (BISCO) Coke dry quenching (CDQ) project under the clean development mechanism (CDM). The project was approved as a CDM project by National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in 2007. It consists of three sets of CDQ heat recovery boilers (No. 1, 2, 3) and steam turbine generators at the back of six coke ovens (No. 5 to 10) to utilize the heat from red-hot coke for power generation. The total installed capacity of the three sets of power generators operating on recovered waste heat is 45 Megawatt (MW) (3x1 5MW) with an expected net electricity generation of around 250 gigawatt hour (GWh) per year. The investment cost of the CDQ project was US$67.5m. Electricity generated by these generators will replace the same amount of elasticity that BISCO otherwise will have to purchase from the coal-fired power plants of the power grid, thus resulting in reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The project is to support China s participation in global efforts to address climate change through CDM projects, and to contribute to China s sustainable development. The project contributes to these objectives by improving energy, efficiency in the iron and steel industry and significant reductions in emissions of environment pollutants.

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CTCN Keyword Matches
Iron & steel processing
Smelt reduction for iron and steel sector
Waste heat recovery