REDD+ has been perceived as a quick and cheap option for taking early action towards limiting global warming to 2°C. It also takes a fresh approach to the forest and climate debate, with large-scale result-based funding as a key characteristic and the hope that transformational change will happen both in and beyond the forestry sector. It is sufficiently broad to serve as a canopy for multiple implementation approaches and business models. This book takes stock of REDD+ and tries to answer a number of questions. How has REDD+ changed and why? How is REDD+ unfolding in national policy arenas? What does REDD+ look like on the ground? What are the main challenges in designing and implementing REDD+? And, what are the choices that need to be made to enable REDD+ to become more effective, efficient and equitable?
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CTCN Keyword Matches
Forest management techniques for mitigation