Available capacity-building support
The Secretariat offers many capacity building opportunities including face-to-face training, internship and mentorship programmes, e-learning courses, a capacity building marketplace where information is updated daily on inter alia; access to grants, fellowships, internship, scholarships practical trainings from around the world and much more. We visit schools, universities and other learning institutions giving lectures and talks, and holding exhibitions and expositions on various topics. And we provide technical assistance and advice for exercises held at the national, sub-regional and regional levels.
We provide technical support and advice on target setting to Parties striving to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality. The Secretariat advises Parties of the development of their National Action Programmes. Training and technical support is also provided to assist Parties in the development of projects and the mobilization of finances for the implementation of these projects. Various tool boxes in different fields have been or are being developed. For example, we have developed the “Drought Tool Box” and are training stakeholders how to use it.
The Secretariat is working in partnership with several intergovernmental sub-regional organization providing technical support, guidance and limited material support for their capacity building activities. Our efforts here are focused purely on capacity building. One of our major partners in this regard is Fundacion Agreste:
Related links:
- https://www.unccd.int/actions/ldn-target-setting-programme
- https://www.unccd.int/news-events/cop14-drought-preparedness-day-drought-toolbox-delivered
- https://www.agreste.org/tag/desertificacion/
- Talking Capacity Building and You. A chance to share and to receive!: For this quarter the Secretariat inter alia held a major capacity building event at the 14th Session of the Conference of Parties. This took place on 6th of September 2019. This event included an address by UNCCD Executive Secretary, Mr. Ibrahim Thiaw, and had very informative and illustrative presentations from the Republics of Korea and Turkey, both of which have given great support to UNCCD capacity building activities over the years. There were other major presentations including one from the UNCCD’s Press Officer. The event was designed to ensure that no region of the world was left out. In keeping with this, there was a special presentation made by Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management in the Caribbean SIDS. Here the urgent need to address the question of capacity building for effective implementation of the UNCCD in all SIDS was addressed. https://knowledge.unccd.int/cbm/amazing-event-cop14
Contact person:
Dr. Richard A. Byron-Cox, Capacity Development & Innovations Officer
Visit the Capacity Building Marketplace: https://knowledge.unccd.int/cbm/capacity-building-marketplace
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