Photo: Flooding Mozambique)
Copy Rights: Thomas Imo/
Available capacity-building support
The Climate Finance Training for Sector Experts (CliFiT4SE) is a dynamic, interactive training approach to inform sector experts in developing countries and emerging economies about climate finance opportunities. The overall objective of the training is to provide tailor-made support, strengthening the ability of sector experts to apply a climate-lens to their sector and assess the relevance of sector projects for climate change adaptation and mitigation – and thus for climate finance.
Through the Climate Expert tool, GIZ enabled enterprises to formulate adaptation strategies and define measures that reduce their vulnerability to climate change. Doing so created demand for financing these measures and raises awareness about adaptation and associated business opportunities among both, enterprises and financiers. Further piloting is ongoing with the International Trade Center (ITC). The Climate Expert entails a practical 4-step approach and working materials that help companies develop adaptation strategies that fit its characteristics. It is based on an Excel Tool that allows companies to identify climate-related risks, opportunities and applicable adaptation measures, and evaluate them regarding their feasibility and effectiveness using cost benefit analysis.
- Engaging the Private Sector in National Adaptation Planning Processes (April 2019): This study aims to offer guidance to governments and their partners on how to engage the private sector in the NAP process. However, for NAPs to be successfully implemented and climate resilience strengthened, private sector actors will need to be involved.
Author: International Institute for Sustainable Development financed by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- Bottom-up Innovation for Adaptation Financing – New Approaches for Financing Adaptation Challenges Developed Through the Practitioners Labs Climate Finance (July 2019): This Innovation Brief presents six innovative bottom-up adaptation financing approaches from the SEED Practitioner Labs Climate Finance 2018 in India, Thailand and Uganda, and shares overarching learnings about challenges and solutions.
Adelphi financed by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
- The Roles of the Private Sector in Climate Change Adaptation – An Introduction (July 2019): While the role and responsibilities of the public sector for supporting adaptation and building resilience have been in focus for a long time, awareness for the need to address and engage the private sector has steadily grown. Companies of any size, private associations and cooperatives, banks and investors as well as insurance companies can play three different roles in and for adaptation.
Author: Adelphi financed by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
- Steering International Adaptation Finance Towards the Local Level (July 2019): In this scoping paper, several key challenges and potential solutions for channeling money from the international to the local level have been identified and analyzed. The analysis sheds light on promising elements of so-called elevator functions in existing financing mechanisms from different sectors that are potentially suitable for adaptation finance.
Author: Adelphi financed by GIZ on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Photo: Rice
Copy Rights: © GIZ/BRIA
Contact person
Lena Katzmarski