News/Capacity building

  • Adaptation Fund (AF) approves new project scale-up grants: Read Press Release here.
  • AF Convenes Workshop in Thailand Aimed at Enhancing Access to Climate Finance in Asia Pacific Region. Read Press Release here.
  • AF Brings Together 20+ NIEs in Antigua to Share Adaptation Practices on the Ground. Read News Release here. See AF’s video of event.
  • AF Accredits New NIEs in Zimbabwe and Tuvalu. AF’s South-South Cooperation Grant Utilized to Support Zimbabwe Accreditation. Read News Release here.
  • AF, GCF, and Others Convene First Joint Meeting of Community of Practice of
  • Direct Access Entities in South Africa. Read more here.
  • First AF Country Exchange of NIEs Held in Chile. Read news release. Watch video here. Read lessons learned here.
  • AF Readiness Webinar Focused on Sharing Best Practices in Knowledge Management Systems. Read News Release here.


Available capacity-building support

The Adaptation Fund finances concrete adaptation projects and programmes to communities that are most vulnerable to climate change in developing country Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement. The Fund pioneered a groundbreaking Direct Access finance modality that builds country ownership in adaptation through accredited national implementing entities based in countries themselves. The Fund’s Readiness Programme for Climate Finance provides readiness and capacity-building support for accessing adaptation finance and navigating the Fund’s project life cycle, through an inclusive country-driven process. The programme supports knowledge transfer and learning between entities and with wider climate change stakeholders to enhance Direct Access to adaptation finance.

The Fund’s capacity-building products include grant-based support, such as South-South Cooperation Grants and Technical Assistance Grants.  Non-grant-based support includes training workshops, country exchanges, readiness webinars and annual seminars.  

    Type of support, e.g, technical assistance (short description, 100 words maximum)


Grant-based support


 South-South Cooperation (SSC) Grants (up to US$50,000 per country): Developing countries seeking accreditation with the Fund can submit through an eligible accredited NIE, a proposal to receive peer support to navigate the accreditation process. The grant can be used to: support the identification of an NIE candidate within an applicant country; provide in-country support for the preparation of an accreditation application; organize “regional” consultations/workshops to assist in the preparation of NIE candidate applications from several already-identified candidate institutions or potential candidates from countries in the geographic region of the accredited NIE; and provide in-country or remote support to address and respond to feedback provided to the NIE candidate by the Accreditation Panel of the Fund.

Grant-based support


Readiness Package Grant: This grant is meant to facilitate the delivery of more enhanced, targeted and tailored readiness support for accreditation to developing countries. Through the package, developing countries can receive support to address specific gap areas identified by the entities as requiring further assistance and capacity support beyond the support already available through the Readiness Programme. The window for readiness support package grants is currently in its pilot phase and is closed for applications.

Grant-based support


Project Formulation Assistance (PFA) Grants (up to US$20,000 per project): These grants are meant to build the capacity of NIEs in project preparation and development, by helping NIEs tap into external (international or national) expertise in the form of short-term consultant assignments to undertake specific technical assessments such as an environmental impact assessment (EIA) a vulnerability assessment (VA), a risk assessment, a gender study, or other environmental and social assessments.

Grant-based support


Technical Assistance Grants for the Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy (TA-ESGP) (up to US$25,000 per entity): These grants are meant to build internal institutional capacity to simultaneously address and manage environmental and social risks as well as gender-related considerations within adaptation projects and programmes. The grant can be used to source external expertise to address such issues in an integrated manner in compliance with the Fund’s Environmental and Social Policy and Gender Policy.

Grant-based support


Technical Assistance Grants for the Gender Policy (TA-GP) (up to US$10,000 per entity): These grants are meant to facilitate gender mainstreaming and the updating of existing policies and procedures in line with the Fund’s Gender Policy (GP).  The grant is expected to enable NIEs to tap into external expertise through short-term consultancies to build institutional capacity for entities to ensure that projects and programmes provide women and men with an equal opportunity to build resilience, address their differentiated vulnerabilities and increase their capability to adapt to climate change impacts.

Grant-based support


Project Scale-up Grants (up to US$100,000 per project): These grants provide readiness funding to NIEs to support project/programme planning, design and development for scaling up Adaptation Fund projects/programmes. The grants are expected to enable expansion or replication of concrete adaptation activities that are based on country needs, views and priorities, to result in increased impact by reaching more people and/or broaden the effectiveness of resilience measures.

Grant-based support


Learning grants (up to US$150,000 per project): The goal of learning grants is to help encourage a culture of learning across institutions and help build NIE capacities. They present an opportunity to capture, study and disseminate practical lessons from adaptation interventions that are additional to Knowledge Management activities already financed under Adaptation Fund approved project/programme. They may be utilized to complement collaborative knowledge and sharing efforts with respect to partnerships with diverse stakeholders on the ground.

Non-grant-based support


Regional and training workshops for accreditation and project support: The Fund regularly conducts regional workshops and training workshops to strengthen the capacity of accredited and non-accredited entities, including the Fund’s Designated Authorities (DAs)/Focal Points to strengthen their readiness and capacity to access, manage and programme climate finance. In 2020 the Fund intends to host its regional workshops in conjunction with the Climate Weeks under the UNFCCC Nairobi Framework Partnership.

Non-grant-based support


Readiness Webinars: The Adaptation Fund hosts a webinar series for accredited NIEs on topics identified by the NIEs. The webinars, which are usually held in April and October each year, enable dialogue and sharing best practices while bridging spatial boundaries.

Non-grant-based support


Annual NIE Seminars: These are closed and open to accredited NIEs of the Fund only. However, depending on the topics covered, other non-NIE stakeholders could be invited to give presentations or participate. The seminar brings together all accredited NIEs of the Fund to share knowledge, skills, experiences and best practices in accessing and programming adaptation finance. NIEs also discuss with the Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat, processes, procedures and latest developments within the Fund and under the UNFCCC.

Non-grant-based support


Country Exchanges: Stemming from the Fund’s Medium-Term Strategy (MTS), country exchange visits seek to enhance the capacity of accredited NIEs to design, develop and implement adaptation projects and programmes through practical learning and interaction with project stakeholders ranging from the DA, senior management, to technical experts and project beneficiaries. Exchanges are based on NIE demand. The Fund recently held its first country exchange in Chile in May 2019.

Non-grant-based support


The secretariat accreditation team provides direct support and guidance to developing countries for accreditation through one-on-one engagement with Parties, which includes clinic meetings at readiness events, regular email communication to guide entities and developing country Parties to accreditation tools and guidance documents, and follow up telephone calls, all to foster a collaborative and constructive environment with the Parties involved in the Fund’s accreditation/reaccreditation process.


Tools and guidance documents: The Fund develops tools and guidance documents to support accreditation, proposal development implementation of the Fund’s policies, and navigating Fund processes. The tools are gradually being translated into the official UN Languages and are available on the Fund website as well as shared via readiness events and forums.  


The fund also supports the community of practice for direct access entities (CPDAE) which consists of a community of Adaptation Fund accredited NIEs and Green Climate Fund accredited direct access entities.


It also supports climatefinanceready, a microsite repository for research, articles, case studies, news and general information on climate change adaptation, including the Fund’s activities.

    Related URL link


Activities undertaken in the last quarter

  • 9th Readiness Webinar: Evidence based interventions – Assessing vulnerability and feasibility for sustained local-level resilience: experiences and lessons learned from Adaptation Fund: The webinar took place on 24 October 2019 and discussed how evidence from vulnerability assessments, feasibility studies, research and other sources can be used to inform interventions that enhance resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change. This included presentation and knowledge sharing from the CTCN, and the Fund’s accredited NIEs from Senegal (CSE), Antigua and Barbuda (DoE), and the Dominican Republic (IDDI).
  • Regional Accreditation Training Workshop: In conjunction with the UNFCCC Asia-Pacific Climate Week, held from 2-6 September in Bangkok, Thailand from 2-3 September the Fund convened nearly 20 developing country representatives mostly from Asia and the Pacific in a training workshop to enhance access to adaptation funding through the Fund’s Direct Access modality. The goal of the workshop was to increase understanding of the AF accreditation criteria and enable developing countries in the region to identify relevant supporting documents that can be submitted with the application for accreditation. The training was hosted in partnership with the NDC Partnership.  
  • Annual Climate Finance Readiness Seminar: The sixth Climate Finance Readiness Seminar for accredited NIEs of the Fund was held on 5-9 August in Saint John’s, Antigua and Barbuda in partnership with the country’s accredited NIE, the Department of Environment (DoE). Key highlights of the seminar included gender training, an innovation day, sessions on project evaluation and a field visit to several sites of the NIE’s AF funded project.
  • The reports and associated material from all the readiness and capacity-building events held in the last quarter are available on the Fund website via the link:



Upcoming events

  • April 2020 (TBD), Climate Finance Readiness Webinar #10: As part of our webinar series, the Fund will be hosting the tenth webinar for accredited NIEs. The topic will be identified by the NIEs.
  • May 2020 (date and venue TBD), NIE Country Exchange: Country exchange visits seek to enhance the capacity for of accredited NIEs to design, develop and implement adaptation projects and programmes through practical on-site learning and exchange. Participants will directly engage with a wide range of project stakeholders including the DA, senior management, technical experts and project beneficiaries. The exchanges are based on NIE knowledge demands.
  • 2020 (date and venue TBD), Annual Climate Finance Readiness Seminar for accredited NIEs: The Adaptation Fund organizes an annual seminar that brings together all its accredited NIEs to share knowledge, skills, experiences and best practices in accessing and programming adaptation finance. NIEs also discuss with the Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat, processes, procedures and latest developments within the Fund and under the UNFCCC.


Related URL link, Twitter, Facebook, google+ feeds

Contact person 

Farayi Madziwa, Readiness Program Coordinator  

[email protected]

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