The UK is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050, relative to 1990 levels. We need a transformation of the UK economy while ensuring secure, low carbon energy supplies to 2050, and face major choices about how to do this. In 2010, DECC built the 2050 Calculator to help the public engage in the debate, and for Government to ensure its short- and medium-term planning was consistent with achieving the long-term aim. In the Carbon Plan published in December 2011, we used the Calculator to illustrate three 2050 futures that show some of the plausible routes towards meeting the target.
The 2050 Pathways Analysis features four resources:
1. A web-based tool for the public to try their own ideas for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
2. An in depth Excel-based tool and report showing the methodology behind the analysis.
3. A web-based presentation for younger audiences about greenhouse gas emissions.
4. A toolkit for leading an energy debate in schools.
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Energy efficiency
Renewable energy