Wilefko wave is a novel system consisting of trains of oscillating blades with an intermediate stage of accumulation of compressed air with a threefold purpose: 1) generate electricity 2) seawater desalination and 3) pump water. It uses an energy source that is the ocean which is more constant abundant predictable and with a capacity of 800 times more energy than wind energy FEATURE 1. Multi-linear palette method increasing from 2 to 3 times the energy harvested 2. Storing compressed air competitive advantage exits price per MW raises from 30% to 200 % Available energy according to demand Is installed on the coastal edge allowing an with lower costs than the competition of devices of deep waters. 3. Uses the waves break water which incorporates a horizontal vector transforming itself is a wall of water 800 times more dense than wind in addition the energy of the ocean is more constant predictable window with up to 10 days. 4. According numeric modeling obtained a 57% efficiency according to (CFDStar CCM) in the capture of energy 5. Multiple applications: electricity desalination water pumping air supply 6. Exclusivity for patent rights in 27 country. GOALS Wilefko B corps we have set a social mission which is to impact more than one million people living in the coastal area and in remote and island areas through access to electricity and / or fresh water drawn from the sea and thus improve their living conditions and their jobs. Over the long term over the 9 MW plant. Our global target market includes: USA Canada countries belonging to the European Union Australia New Zealand and Chile. Thus estimates for any of these countries which if used 1% of the coastline and apply the 32% efficiency this would imply an installed capacity of 8200 MW equivalent to 10 thermal power plants of 400MW and a decrease 16 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually.
ENERGY STORAGE AND PUMP ON-DEMAND. Providing energy on demand give us a competitive advantage over the other non-conventional renewable energy sources (NCRE). This defines the power delivery strategy to supply energy in peak demand looking for the best marginal prices. This allows access to sale prices of electricity from 30% to 200% depending on the time of year drought or fossil fuel costs. In June 2013 the marginal cost price in the Chilean Interconnected Central System (SIC) was US$312 / MWh. According to a financial newspaper they projected with high probability an average SIC marginal cost up to US$ 196 / MWh during 2013. WILEFKO is a technology with a global impact easy scalability from medium power units for small communities to many units for large plants. The areas suitable for the installation of our device are those that have a potential wave over 30KW per meter along the coastline.; CURRENT STATE Right now commercial phase started in April 2015 with excellent market we start with three pilot...