Water-based cathode inks for improved solid oxide fuel cells

Solid oxide fuels cells (SOFCs) potentially offer an efficient fuel flexible low emission and relatively low cost means of producing electricity. One of the most popular methods for producing the cathode of the current generation of fuel cells involves the use of organic solvent based inks. Inks used in the manufacture of solid oxide fuel cells have some problems in use. They can be volatile so have a short usage life due to evaporation; many of the solvents used also pose a risk to workers unless handled carefully. Furthermore dip coating is difficult with highly volatile inks as surface drying occurs too quickly.


1) Facilitation of the large scale commercial production of SOFCs. 2) Easier manufacture of potentially more efficient cells. 3) More environmentally friendly; reduces the use of volatile organic solvents in the working environment to conform with air quality regulations.

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