The temperature of the exhaust from the SP or the NSP is about 400℃. Also the surplus heat comes from the clinker cooler. After the appearance of large-scale kilns, the power generator by the waste heat has been installed with the progress of technologies on the waste heat generation.
The popular system is as follows: The boilers are installed at the outlet of preheater or clinker cooler. The low pressure steam is made in boiler by waste heat recovery. And, the electrical power is generated with the steam turbine.
In the typical NSP kiln equipped with the power generator by the waste heat, the energy utilization efficiency on the burning process reaches about 80% and the temperature of the exhaust after using of drying raw materials decreases to about 100℃.
(for 5000t/d kiln capacity)
- 35-40kWh/t-clinker
- Electrical power: 8000kW
Energy utilization efficiency on the burning process: 80%
Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry, Japan
Email: [email protected]