This solar dryer design is based on the design of a green -house and was designed by QSM and Associates. The main difference is that the dryer is fitted with fine wire mesh on both the windward and the leeward sides at the bottom for air inlet and an opening at the top to provide for exhaustion of the vapors coming from the produce. Inside the dyer are racks fitted with fine mesh wire of food grade material to hold the produce and the floor is plastered. The standard design is seven by fifteen meters and can hold a ton of fresh produce. The temperatures in the can reach up to 65 degrees Celsius and the product attains the target moisture within one day. They produce clean and quality products at zero cost of energy. They are meant to be used in cottage industries to reduce cost of production and produce products hygienically. The sizes can be modified according to a microprocessors budget or the space available.,
WIPO Green
The dryer offers the diverse groups in a rural setting an opportunity to do value addition of their farm products. This enables them to make a much higher income from their produce. It offers also the opportunity to preserve the produce during glut for use when there will be scarcity. Further more 13 of the groups assisted are made up of only women. This makes a high impact on their family units. There is also a ready market for dehydrated hygienic products.
The main difference is that the dryer is fitted with fine wire mesh on both the windward and the leeward sides at the bottom for air inlet and an opening at the top to provide for exhaustion of the vapors coming from the produce. Inside the dyer are racks fitted with fine mesh wire of food grade material to hold the produce and the floor is plastered.
Eighteen standard dryers have been installed in Kenya for diverse micro-processor groups since 2011. The dryers are being used to dry African leafy vegetables (Amaranth - terere, Cat’s whiskers - Saget, African nightshade - Mnafu, Pumpkins - marenge), mangoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkins and both ripe and green bananas. In 2016 two dryers have been installed for two micro-processors.
QSM and Associates Ltd