Smart Vortex Generator for Aerospace Applications

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Vortex generators are devices deployed to aircraft wings to improve fuel efficiency during takeoff and landing. During steady cruise however most of vortex generators create drag and need to be retractable which increases costs and causes maintenance burdens Technology Applications: Major aircrafts; Ships; Rotating machines Detailed technology description: Researchers at Nagoya University invented a novel vortex generator Smart Vortex Generator (SVG). SVG is composed of shape memory alloy and changes its shape automatically depending on air ambient temperature without any energy supply and mechanical/electrical controls. Shape memory function enables SVG to transform its shape between a vortex generating position at the ground temperature and a drag reducing position at the cruise altitude temperature. When the difference between the temperature at takeoff/landing and at steady cruise reaches around 130 degrees Fahrenheit SVG transforms its shape for vortex generation/drag reduction.


- Simple Mechanism: no motors or energy supply necessary free from malfunction. - Easy Mount: easily deployable to aircraft wings and to even existing airplane - Multidirectional Properties: depending on ambient temperatures air fluid can be managed in a multi-directional way

Date of release