The RD 1 Water Filtration System is a portable modular precision engineered water treatment system designed for use in remote or inaccessible locations and as a backup high quality water provision source for communities whose access to regular supplies of potable water may be limited by environmental or infrastructural factors. Developed to meet the needs of crisis management professionals in numerous fields our flagship model the RD 1 is a rugged instant deployment water filtration unit that can meet the water requirement needs of up to 2500 people for general consumption providing as much as 100000 litres of clean potable water per day. With its modular design that capacity is quickly and easily extended by stacking multiple units around the original core unit to form larger systems that can cater to greater numbers of people. This versatility coupled with its compact size rugged portability and fast and simple installation combine to make the RD 1 a cost effective and flexible resource that rapidly lends itself to multiple uses and applications. Specifications: Dimensions: 2000mm(L) by 1450mm(W) by 1500mm(D) Flow: 4.3 m3 per hr Pressure: Max. 6 bar (Max. 0.6 MPa) Process: 5 stage binary system Stage 1: Aeration with air saturation Stage 2: Coagulation and Flocculation Stage 3: Clarification Stage 4: 2 step filtration using sediment filters and carbon filters Stage 5: Disinfection using hypochlorite solution UV Lamp: Medium pressure lamp 200 to 400nm wavelength Input: Average 100 NTU (Max. 1000) 20 HU colour 5.5 to 8.0 pH Output: less than 1 NTU less than 5 HU color 2011/01/21 Must - Capital number of employees annual turnover shareholding of the owner kinds of business major products etc.
-Simple to install -Weighs just 800kg in total -100000 litres of water per day -Designed in accordance with WHO guidelines -Kills 99.9% of bacteria -Modular design