CTCN Keyword Matches

AS PROTEK ® is a method of Ultra high pressure decontamination with suction at the source and treatment of effluent contaminated during the process. The most suitable equipment for the procedure for asbestos removal in the building is the 4 x 4 AS PROTEK ®.


Environmental lower emissivity therefore decrease in contamination risk ; Social Robotic removal solution and management of waste handling suction leading to significant lowering of arduousness for operators; Decrease of emissivity therefore improving work conditions and lowering the risk of anxiety related to asbestos removal operations both for operators and for work site personnel. Economical Robotic solution leading to enhanced and homogenised performance therefore easier to schedule associated with the handling of waste by suction with no real effort a gain in time and thereby resulting in a smaller (or even no) need for collective protections. User companies enhance their competitiveness whilst meeting regulatory standards. Technical Robotic solution and procedure a global solution that is acquired through specific training by a recognised training organisation; AS PROTEK ® is a method of Ultra high pressure decontamination with suction at the source and treatment of effluent contaminated during the...

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