Plug and Play Hybrid Power Control System

CTCN Keyword Matches
United States

A novel approach to the design operation and control of hybrid power generation systems via an integrated communication network. Components (energy generators consumers support and control equipment) of the system are connected by 2 pathways one for the distribution of energy and the other for communications between components. Three important characteristics of the system: 1) Open standards: to facilitate connection of components by different vendors Internet suite of software XML metalanguage for standardized transmission of data Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) for identification in the network 2) Automatic component identification 3) Adaptable control algorithm The goal is to achieve an automated supervisory controller over a power grid system through compatible components software and communications network allowing the components present in the system to adapt to situations such as a component dropping out of the system coming on-line or human intervention. Applications: 1) Power companies hybrid power design engineering firms control and communications engineering manufacturers of components and subsystems of power generating components such as wind turbines diesel gensets photovoltaic systems power converters. 2) Good possibility of extending the concept beyond isolated hybrid power systems to so-called "distributed generation" power systems more common in developed countries such as the US.


Currently, hybrid power systems are composed of numerous components, such as wind turbines, diesel generators, photovoltaic panels, batteries, etc. which require a communication system custom designed and engineered for each location. In conventional, or centralized, generation of electricity, there are relatively few, large generating plants. These plants, typically coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, or natural gas, supply electricity first to transmission systems, which consist primarily of relatively high voltage power lines. These transmission systems ultimately feed electricity into lower voltage distribution systems. Users of electricity (factories, commercial businesses, homes, etc.) get their electricity from the distribution system. In "distributed generation" relatively small electricity generators are connected to the distribution system. Electricity from these generators is either sold to the utility or it may be used to reduce the amount of electricity purchased. In this case, the net effect is...

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