Background: Components that operate under high temperatures and pressures such as those used in turbines and airplane brakes require materials with excellent chemical and physical properties. Nickel-based alloys (or superalloys) are the current industry standard for these applications. Coating nickel alloys with aluminum oxide and thermal barriers allows the final product to withstand temperatures beyond the melting point of nickel. However there is a growing need for products with properties that nickel cannot achieve. Solarthermal chemical processing also requires materials that are resistant to oxidation and thermal shock. Solar energy potentially could be concentrated and used to reach high temperatures so it could directly drive some chemical reactions such as those involved in the production of syngas. However suitable materials are not yet available. Molybdenum-silicon-borate (Mo-Si-B) alloys could potentially supercede nickel and other currently used materials due to their ability to withstand even greater temperature changes and pressures than existing metals and alloys. Until now however no effective means existed to prevent these alloys from oxidizing completely away under high temperatures. Technology Description: UW-Madison researchers have developed a multilayered coating for the surface of Mo-Si-B alloys which includes a diffusion barrier layer an oxidation resistant layer and an oxidation barrier layer. The coatings form a stable gradient of integrated layers that prevents cracking peeling and delamination of Mo-Si-B alloys under extreme operating conditions. Applications: Components that operature under high temperatures and pressures such as those in turbines airplane brakes and solarthermal processing units
Oxidation Resistant Coatings for Ultra-High Temperature Transition Metals and Metal Alloys
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