By electrodeposition of crystalline nanoparticles onto a conducting substrate (for example a PTFE enhanced carbon fiber ultrahydrophobic sheet) for the first-time it becomes possible to selectively create platinum-nanoparticles of the size of about 2 nm onto the bumps of the substrate without agglomeration. One advantage of this procedure is that diffusion through ultra-hydrophobic pores into inner gas conducting structures is avoided. The major benefits consist in the reduced need of platinum and a decreased number of process steps for the production. Possible applications of this technology are: all types of polymeric-electrolyte fuel cells (PEMFC HT-PEMFC DMFC DEFC) all types of electrolyzers (H20 NaCl HCl etc.) electrochemical sensors and chemical reactors (consumable hydrogen anode consumable oxygen cathode etc.).
Less platinum is used because of selective adsorption this leads to cost savings.