More Biogas Småland AB

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More Biogas Småland was formed in February 2011. The Company has 22 co-owners of which 18 are farmers in the near region of Kalmar.

More Biogas has a fermentation plant, the plant produce compressed vehicle fuel for local use. Raw material is manure from farmer´s farms and food waste from households in the neighboring municipalities.

The biogas plant is in Mosekrog, about 10 km north of Kalmar
More Biogas Småland was formed in February 2011. The Company has 22 co-owners of which 18 are farmers in the near region of Kalmar.
More Biogas has a fermentation plant, the plant produce compressed vehicle fuel for local use. Raw material is manure from farmer´s farms and food waste from households in the neighboring municipalities.
The farms are relatively close around the plant. Average distance is about 7,5 km. It is dimensioned to be able to produce over 4 million m3 vehicle fuel. initially, production will be at 2-2,5 million m3. A new public fuel station will be built adjacent to the plant.

The substrates, manure and food waste, along about 90 000 ton is transported to and from the facility with tank trailer for liquid materials and containertruck for solid materials.

Farmes have approximately 3 500 ha of available land and it is initially enough to match the diffusion area required. As production increases More Bioagas Småland AB will invest i dewatering technology which leads to a larger proportion of the phosphorus is separated into solid phase and can be transported to areas which have phosphorus deficientcy.

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