A method and process to quantify energy savings and carbon offsets real-time for buildings

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Researchers at Santa Clara University have developed a robust easy-to-implement and cost effective method to quantify real-time energy efficiencies of building facilities based on carbon offsets. This carbon meter can be used to forecast energy demand and to predict energy savings from better HVAC systems or better building materials. It can also be used to optimally size both existing and new HVAC systems boosting energy savings by 10-50%. Implementing this carbon meter could incentivize energy efficiencies in commercial and residential buildings by allowing them to participate in a CO2 cap-and-trade market. In addition quantifying energy savings can reduce lending risk when applying for mortgages [see Lacey S (2013 March 20). New Study Shows Energy-Efficient Homes Are 32% Less Risky for Lenders Green Tech Media. Retrieved from http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/energy-efficient-homes-are-…].


-Reliable and accurate -Easy and low-cost implementation -Can be implemented in existing building management systems for remote operations -Quantifies carbon credit offset claims -Could incentivize energy efficiencies in commercial and residential buildings by allowing them to participate in a CO2 cap-and-trade market -Energy star homes (those homes with 30% energy savings vs. conventional homes) can reduce lending risk by 32% when applying for mortgages [based on a recent Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) study] [Lacey S (2013 March 20)]

Date of release