The district heat plant in Bro produces environmentally friendly power. About ¾ of the installation's total heat production comes from landfill gas from Ragnsell landfill in Högbytorp. The remaining energy is produced by burning vegetable oil.
At the district heating plant in Bro, 75 % of its heat is coming from landfill gas. The gas is collected from Ragnsell's waste landfill in Högbytorp and is sucked through a pipeline using air. It is a trade off to extrude the gas with a sufficiantly strong flow, in order to capture all gas, without having oxygene inflow to the landfill. Mostly, the gas consists of methan, but it also contains carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Sometimes, oxygen occurs in the mixture. The installation consists of three boilers, which have a total effect of ca 26 MW. Besides landfill gas, vegetable oil is used since 2007 to cover the remaining25 % of the total heat production.
Stockholm Cleantech, Norrgrindsvägen, 19731 Bro, 070 375 77 05