Green and Eco Concept Color Changes Roofs the economic new technology plastic roof use composit materials from Mattress spring scraps and Agriculture waste to solve the flamable and combustible of plastic roofs(soybean)and no black mold stains(Bio-Extracts). When cold the roof absorb the heat and uv letting the darker color. When it gets hot the roof is the heat-reflecting surface. It is the real best home energy saving help reduce your energy bill for your air conditioner.
Community Benefits Not only our change colors roofs can reduce the amount of energy needed to moderate the temperature of a building but also Moderation of Urban Heat Island Effect Can reduce demand on power plants to avoid the blackout and potentially decrease the amount of CO2 and other polluting by-products being released into the air. The growth of our market gives new job opportunities related to collecting the mattress scraps increasing investment opportunity manufacturing increasing plant growth design.; Green and Eco Concept Color Changes Roofs by solving mattress spring scraps Agriculture waste problems by the flammable and combustible of plastic roofs(soybean)and no black mold stains(Bio-Extracts) and the problems of the old style roofs with the Asbestos and synthetic fiber for the insulation which harm for the communities. When cold the roof absorb the heat and UV letting the darker color. When it gets hot the roof is the heat-reflecting surface. To reduce their farm market risk their wage...