Inwave on-shore type

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South Korea


INGINE is a South Korean venture company and a first mover power generation. 

INGINE transformed the paradigm of existing technology to develop wave power generation and to enable rapid entry into the market. 

About the technology

The first product, the INWave™ Onshore-Type, is the only viable solution that applies to distributed generation, to existing technologies’ niche market, and to micro grids economically. Based on a real sea demonstration conducted with the financial support of the Ministry of Industry, INGINE is preparing for domestic/foreign product demonstration projects for market entry in 2019.

INWAVE™ Onshore-Type

The INWave Onshore-Type Model can be easily installed in coastal waters and in breakwaters, which are more than 3 meters deep. For each installed module, you can power up to 700 households. IN Wave Onshore Model is the only wave power generator that can be applied to energy independence and distributed development in island areas by addressing economic issues that impede the distribution of existing off-/near-shore products.

• Multi-DOF Power Take OFF: It is a three-dimensional flexibility of INWave’s WEC’s energy absorbing unit that allows it to reciprocate with all oncoming wave motions (e.g. heave, surge, sway, yaw, roll, pitch etc.) and thus maximize the production of electricity. 

• Onshore Installation: This reduces facility installation costs, increases stability, and facilitates maintenance, rather than the existing technologies installed on the sea or the ocean floor. 

• Underwater cable not required: The energy is transferred from the unit installed on water to units installed on land.

[email protected]

Organisation providing the technology
Endorsing entity

Green Technology Center


YJ Sung, 82-2-790-0098, [email protected]

Date of release