HWC rainwater collection


The Hydrostatic Water Consultants (HWC) is working in the field of environment protection and natural resources conservation. They have expertise in Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) Systems, Hydro-geological Surveys and Bore Well Management, as a part of a total RWH Solution. They are a group of a qualified & Competent professionals and have executed more than 110 rainwater harvesting projects in and around Thane and Mumbai districts. HWC is specialized in rainwater harvesting, bore well management, ground water exploration surveys and soil resistivity surveys. HWC offers phasewise implemetation of rain water harvesting, services covering all aspects of concept to commissioning in RWH & water conservation systems and affordable annual maintenance contracts (AMC) service of Rain Water Harvesting Systems.

Source: http://www.rainwaterharvestingindia.in

Date of release