Turbo chiller provides chill energy using a centrifugal compressor, and is used for air conditioning in buildings or disrict cooling / heating. Its efficiency has been improved by technological developments such as increased compression ratio, inveter, economizer, magnnetic bearing.
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan.
Turbo chillers with state-of-the-art technology can achieve an IPLV* of up to 10.
*calculated by ASHRAE standard
Some application can simultaneously produce heat and cool water, resulting in even higher energy efficiency.
Some turbo chillers use low GWP refrigerant such as HFO or non GWP refrigerant such as water, which contributes to significant GHG reduction.
Efficiency of heat pump is represented by EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) and IPLV (integrated part load value taking into account seasonal variations). Technological improvement has resulted in higher EER and IPLV.
It is desirable to enable operation at optimal load in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency.
One month to one year
JAPAN Electro-Heat Center
JAPAN Electro-Heat Center