Hierarchical Priority and Control Algorithms for the Grid-Integrated Vehicle


Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) is a system in which power from electric-gasoline or fully-electric vehicles is returned to the electrical power grid when the vehicle is not in use in transportation. V2G technology interconnects the automotive industry and the electric power industry so that the batteries of plug-in cars whether all-electric or plug-in hybrid are used for services of value to the electric system. These include balancing fluctuations in power in response to a real-time signal from the large grid operators. As solar and wind power become a larger proportion of power generation V2G will also become valuable to smooth out mismatches between renewable power output and the need for electricity (‘load’). UD researchers are engaged in software development prototype vehicle modifications federal policy initiatives marketing research and policy and rate analysis toward enabling V2G businesses. Further background on the technology can be found at www.udel.edu/V2G


- Increased and more effective use of intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaics. - Increased reliability and efficiency of existing power grid

Date of release