Hazard mapping


In recent years, countries around the world, including Japan, have witnessed the frequent occurrence of disasters such as torrential rains and flooding events arising as a result of global warming and earthquakes. This has raised the importance of taking prevention measures against various forms of disasters. In the event of such large-scale disasters, preventing and minimizing damage is of the utmost importance. This can be done through enhancing the voluntary disaster prevention capability of each region, and through self-help and mutual assistance. PASCO creates flood hazard maps, earthquake hazard maps, tsunami hazard maps, and other hazard maps that serve as basic data contributing to the enhancement of voluntary disaster prevention capability. PASCO provides support for the disclosure of various types of hazard maps through the Internet. In addition, PASCO also provides support for the establishment of systems aimed at enhancing the daily, public awareness of disaster prevention. This is carried out in ways such as setting up large touch-panel monitors at the entrances of government offices for the display of hazard maps.

Source: https://www.pascoth.com/services/consulting/hazardmap.html

Date of release