GoBiGas - The world's first gasification plant of its kind

Opportunities enabled

GoBiGas (Gothenburg Biomass Gasification Project) is a first step towards large-scale biogas production.

The project is run by Göteborg Energi and aims to demonstrate the potential of gasification technology on a commercial scale and build a plant that can meet the growing demand for renewable and CO2 neutral biogas. The plant uses forest residues such as branches, roots and treetops. Focus areas are high efficiency in the production and recycling of surplus heat for district heating and electricity, flexibility as in tolerating varied quality of raw materials, and a platform for development in cooperation with industry and universities.

Organisation providing the technology
Swedish Exergy AB
Countries where implemented

Green Gothenburg, Fågelrovägen 15, 418 34 Göteborg, +46 31-62 67 94

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