Electro-Disinfection Technology for Ballast Water Treatment

Ballast water is an essential component for the stability of the vessels during voyage. Ballast water is taken in from the source port when the ship does not carry cargo and subsequently de-ballasted at the destination port when the cargo is taken in. A wide variety of marine organisms are transported from one place to another through the ship’s ballast water. The only ballast water management option so far is ballast water exchange at mid ocean. This process is neither efficient nor safe. Technologies such as ballast water heating ultraviolet irradiation and chemical biocides have been researched for ballast water treatment. The abovementioned technologies have limitations such as reactivation of organisms high cost chemical storage and low efficiency in disinfection. Researchers from the National University of Singapore have developed two unique solutions for ballast water treatment. Electrodisinfection technology: This invention is an electrochemical disinfection system that can disinfect ballast water of ships with lower energy consumption and at a much shorter time than current disinfection methods. The prototype has already been tested at St. John’s Island. Application for International Maritime Organization (IMO) approval is in progress. Integrated system for ballast water treatment and exhaust gas absorption: This invention is an integrated system based on electrolysis for treatment of environmental hazards. The key component of the system is an electrolytic cell that produces a series of powerful disinfectants for killing of microorganisms in the ballast water. It can also generate alkaline solution for absorption of exhaust gases in the scrubber. No additional chemicals are needed of system operations. Energy consumption is only 0.004 kwh/m3 (for E. coli only) and around 0.01 kwh/m3 for both E. coli and E. faecalis which is much lower than many other available technologies. The electrodes have a durability of more than five years. Finally operations do not increase the corrosion of the ballast tank. Applications:· -Ballast water treatment· -Disinfection·Ship and Marine Industry Patents:·Patent Application: US Provisional Opportunity:·Exclusive/ non-exclusive licensing·Partnership in commercial development


1) Rapid disinfection for majority of microorganisms in 30 seconds. 2) Ability to inactivate Enteroccocus bacteria. 3) Ability to produce disinfectants on site. 4) Optimal chlorine production to kill microorganisms yet reducing corrosion. 5) Reduction in energy consumption

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US Provisional Opportunity:·Exclusive/ non-exclusive licensing·Partnership in commercial development