Electrical Power and Energy metering billing and control systems


Control Applications is a manufacturer in the field of Electrical Power and Energy metering Billing systems and in the field of Building Management Systems (BMS) and automation – monitoring and control of Heating Ventilating and Air conditioning (HVAC) as well as electromechanical systems control. Main products include Elnet energy powermeters analyzers and power factor controllers DDC universal controllers Monitoring and Billing HMI software. Function of the products: Elnet energy powermeters and analyzers allows the clients to know the history of their consumption the quality (EN50160) and the values of the power supply. Details such as Voltage Current Power Factor Hertz Neutral Current Energy consumption can be displayed by the Elnet product line. All the data is displayed on high resolution build in LCD Multilanguage screens and can be read online by open communication (Modbus Bacnet) protocols via RS485 and TCP communication ports. DDC universal controllers such as Unipoint SuperBrain Unisense are just part of unique and advanced programmable and preprogrammed controllers (OEM) with build in graphical HMI screens web browsers open communication protocols (Modbus Bacnet) universal IO connections very easy to program and operate. Monitoring and Billing HMI software – allows presenting the data online on graphical screens accumulating the information from the Elnet energy powermeters and DDC controllers creating reports trends historical and current alarm logs.


Advanced technology to monitor real time energy consumption and analyse consumption history.; Proven record of commercial use

Date of release
Technology owners

Control Applications