Effi-Gen Managed Utility Solutions

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South Africa

UVAL offers a solution to the current electricity supply crisis in South Africa by offering its BackOn suite of residential, SME and enterprise solutions combining power back up and solar solutions (Personal Power Station) with bespoke energy efficiency packages.

Effi-Gen Managed Utility Solutions

Effi-Gen offers a 1 + 1 = 3 Approach: Reduce utility demand + Control utility supply = Resulting in lower utilities cost (1), higher operational reliability (2) and increased financial predictability (3) for years to come

Save Energy, Water and Waste

Step 1 is to implement utility management solutions increasing efficiencies across the clients infrastructure. Saving energy/water: 30% utility baseline reduction with simple ROI of 1-3 years being the norm.

Generate Cleaner, More Reliable and Affordable Energy

Step 2 is to implement distributed power generation from solar PV, CHP/CCHP systems, co-gen, micro-wind and bio-mass etc. 

Turn-Key Project Facilitation and Management

The initial CAPEX, operational complexity and perceived technology risks are major barriers for client uptake. The answer is to offer clients purpose built (EPC), financed and managed utility solutions.

Date of release