Cyclic redox substrate for hydrogen/syngas production and carbon dioxide capture

NCSU is licensing a novel metal oxides substrate for use in chemical looping combustion with superior activity and attrition. Background: Recent strategies to trap CO2 include chemical looping combustion or gasification (CLC or CLG). These processes utilize transition metal oxides to transfer oxygen from air or water to the combusting fuel thus converting into useful fuel resources. However for commercial scale applications it is imperative that these metal oxides be cost-effective with low attrition and possess high redox reactivity and structural/chemical stability. Technology Summary: NCSU has developed a novel technology comprising of enhanced transition metals and metal oxides as highly efficient oxygen carriers in the CLC or CLG systems. The mixed-conductor enhanced metal oxides are tailored to possess excellent structural and chemical stability tunable thermodynamic properties superior redox activity and product selectivity. The technology features low-cost metal oxide with clever lattice design to enable enhanced oxygen transfer. In addition the structure enables large oxygen cycling without pulverization. The technology can generally be used for cyclic redox conversion of commodity fuels such as natural gas coal biomass etc. into value added environmentally friendly products such as hydrogen synthesis gas electricity and other chemicals or fuels. Applications: Chemical looping combustion syngas production hydrogen production methane conversion electricity and other chemicals or fuels.


1) Shows high stability at very high temperatures (1100 oC) and has excellent oxygen carrying capacity (~20 w.t.%). 2) Redox catalyst will be highly resistant towards sintering. 3) Coke formation a major contributor to tar removal catalyst deactivation is not thermodynamically favored. 4) Inhibits carbon formation and sulfur poisoning thus preventing catalyst deactivation. 5) Syngas produced is suitable for Fischer-Tropsch process. 6) Can completely oxidize fuel to CO2 /H2 O and split H2 O to generate H2. 7) Made with common materials hence highly cost-effective.

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