Chemical Reactions for Producing Polyesters and Polyamides from Recycled and Naturally Occurring Starting Materials

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Summary: The University of Florida is seeking companies interested in commercializing chemical reactions that convert naturally occurring oligomers and polymers into functionalized materials for commercial use. This technology recycles the polymer components of chemicals such as polybutadiene polyisoprene and naturally occurring oils and converts them into other useful synthetic polymers including polyamides and polyesters. Because the starting materials are recycled and readily available the technology created by University of Florida researchers produces a less expensive solventless sustainable and ecofriendly way to yield more functional commercial polymers with multiple market applications including plastics rubbers and polymers. Technology: Researchers at the University of Florida have developed a technology that uses metathesis polymerization reactions with acrylates compounds with a vinyl group adjacent to a carbonyl to convert chemicals such as polybutadiene polyisoprene and naturally occurring oils into functional oligomers and polymers including polyamides and polyesters. The process does not require the use of solvents and could be applied to other materials such as castor oil or linseed oil as starting materials for commercial polymers. Technology Applications: Chemical reactions from recycled and inexpensive starting materials to produce polyesters and polyamides


-Uses readily available starting materials saving money on production costs -Solventless process results in high yield throughput -Allows for polymer recycling making the technology sustainable and ecofriendly -Has many applications and may be incorporated into several industries creating multiple market opportunities -Uses naturally occurring oils increasing opportunities to produce more functional substances

Date of release