Carbon capture material with chemical specificity and facile reversibility

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University of Missouri Office of Technology Management & Industry Relations Non-Confidential Abstract of Invention UM Disclosure No. 13UMC048 Carbon capture material with chemical specificity and facile reversibility Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) arguably the most significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas have received worldwide attention because of their implications for climate change. In June 2012 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia unanimously upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) interpretation of the Clean Air Act to regulate CO2 emissions is “unambiguously correct.” However some industry groups are concerned the EPA’s regulations will impose burdensome regulations that will spur job cuts. One immediate problem is that the only available technology option for eliminating carbon from fossil fuel power plants is expensive and unproven at commercial scale. The development of efficient reversible and economic material to capture CO2 has assumed great importance. Researchers at the University of Missouri have investigated a new hybrid quasi-solid-state sorbents pairing inexpensive CO2-reactive polyethoxyamine fluids with abundantly available silica support for carbon capture. The highest performing sorbent was capable of reversibly capturing close to 70 mg of CO2 per gram of sorbent at 45 degrees Celsius could be almost fully regenerated by a vacuum swing and was stable over many consecutive cycles. These results have important ramifications for reducing the high costs of thermal regeneration in conventional carbon capture schemes particularly in comparison with the current systems. POTENTIAL AREAS OF APPLICATIONS: -CO2 capture in power plants and other large carbon dioxide producing facilities STATE OF DEVELOPMENT: Initial prototype built and tested FURTHER R&D REQUIRED: Further optimization of the material LICENSING POTENTIAL: University seeks licensee with the potential to commercialize INVENTOR(S): Sheila Baker and Gary Baker CONTACT INFO: Office of Technology Management & Industry Relations Wayne C. McDaniel Ph.D. Senior Licensing & Business Development Associate – Engineering and Physical Sciences Email: [email protected] Phone: 573-884-3302


MAIN ADVANTAGES OF INVENTION: -Reduces the expenses related to carbon capture -Operates at the same efficiency as comparable products.

Date of release