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Reduce GHG emissions

  • Objective

    MSABP is water purification technology based on a revolutionary biological treatment process in which a special biological carrier provides immobilization of microorganisms in a multi-stage aeration tank. Principles of treatment are as follows. 1. The effect of multi-stage changes the biota in each tank in an orderly manner thereby forming a food chain. 2. The biological carrier provides an environment in which microorganisms remain active and are able to treat highly concentrated effluent and hard to decompose effluent. MSABP can be used for the following applications. 1.

  • Objective

    Soil is a fundamental requirement for crop production as it provides plants with anchorage, water and nutrients. A certain supply of mineral and organic nutrient sources is present in soils, but these often have to be supplemented with external applications, or fertilisers, for better plant growth. Fertilisers enhance soil fertility and are applied to promote plant growth, improve crop yields and support agricultural intensification.

  • Objective


    The ancient Andean technique of terracing consists of making cuts in steep slopes to form contour ridges and establish cultivation surfaces that are supported by stone walls. Because the terraces are positioned perpendicular to the flow of water they reduce erosion, retain soil and moisture and thus generate a microclimate conducive to crop growth.

  • Objective


    Crop rotation consists in sequentially producing plant species in a given location by alternating crops every year, every two years or every three years. This diversified production system prevents the build-up of pests and diseases as well as the exhaustion of the soil that usually occur with production of a single crop (or crops of a single family) in successive agricultural cycles.

  • Objective


    Agroecology is a holistic production method that works at the agroecosystem level. It is based on adopting integrated management for resource conservation as well as diversifying and enhancing synergies among the components of the agroecosystem, balancing energy and nutrient flows and adapting productive activities to local conditions. It promotes a high degree of interaction among its components to preserve biodiversity and attain sustainable production.

  • Objective

    This 100 year-old harbour was primarily used for handling coal and coke. Its curved wharfs have been renovated and supplemented with low wooden jetties.

    Inland from the wharfs, there are housing complexes built around green yards. Attractive outdoor areas, seats in sunny locations and well-planned green areas make ideal places for meeting and socialising.

  • Sjölunda Wastewater Treatment Plant, Malmö At the Sjölunda plant in Malmö wastewater from 550,000 inhabitants is treated. The plant was built in 1963. Recently expansion of biological treatment has reduced the use of precipitation chemicals to meet the Swedish requirements and the plant has at the same time reached emission requirements of organic compounds, phosphorous, and nitrogen. The sludge produced is used at the plant’s own production unit for biogas.

  • Objective

    In 1996 the decision was taken to create an eco-city from the 1950’s housing estate and 1960’s industrial area. This provides an excellent example of a successful sustainable makeover of an urban district. The make-over focused on efficient water systems, green roofs, and solar energy. The water systems include surface rainwater runoff systems, canals, and ponds.