Workshop in Panama: Climate solutions through technology and financing in Central America


News facts

Source organisation
Climate Technology Centre and Network

The aim of the workshop is to support countries in achieving the objectives established in their NDCs through the identification of priority areas of intervention, the most appropriate technologies for mitigation and adaptation, and the concrete programmes and project initiatives to be implemented.

Specific objectives:

  • To verify priorities at national and regional level through the analysis of NDCs and other CC strategies, policies, etc.
  • To identify the most appropriate technologies to work in prioritized areas.
  • To identify opportunities, barriers and key actors to implement identified technologies.
  • To draft concepts of specific programmes and projects at both country and regional level to be implemented in order to address climate changes challenges and submitted to the Green Climate Fund for financing.
  • To identify technical support and funding needs for the implementation and scale-up of the most relevant technologiesf the most relevant technologies

The event was organized by the CTCN, UN Environment and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration.

Information in Spanish.


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