UNFCCC Climate Technology Centre Sheds Light on Key Technology Needs of 73 Collaborating Countries


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Climate Technology Centre and Network

CTCN 2017 Progress Report Launched

In its 2017 Progress Report, the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) describes the key types of technology-related assistance that developing countries are seeking as they strive to fullfill their Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans.  The report also explores how the CTCN is building new bridges to financing and laying the groundwork for sustained uptake of technologies through collective action on several important fronts. 

“Technology is crucial in accelerating climate action on the ground, but it’s not just about windmills and solar panels. Technologies of all kinds are helping us to lower emissions, increase resilience, and develop sustainably. Making technology transfer work for countries requires getting all of the necessary elements in place”, says Jukka Uosukainen, CTCN Director.

The Progress Report provides numerous examples of the Centre’s technology collaboration with countries over the last year, including its development of an Energy Efficiency Master Plan in Tonga, made possible through a new CTCN partnership with the Green Climate Fund. Aggregated data on the geographic and sectoral scope of technology demand is also presented. Updates on the CTCN’s capacity building and knowledge sharing activities, which focused on finance, gender-responsive technology transfer, innovation, and implementation of NDCs and Adaptation Plans, demonstrate how these initiatives provide a framework to support the Centre’s technology assistance. 

How it works: the CTCN technology support process
Countries working towards energy-efficient, low-carbon and climate-resilient development convey their technology requests for capacity building and technical assistance through their National Designated Entities to the Climate Technology Centre.  The CTCN then mobilizes relevant technology experts from a global network of almost 400 technology institutions to design and deliver a customized solution. Technology assistance spans numerous technology sectors from agriculture and forestry, to disaster preparedness and industrial development, to water and waste management.

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is the implementing arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Technology Mechanism. The Centre is hosted and managed by UN Environment and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and supported by 400 network partners around the world. The Centre utilizes the expertise of these institutions to deliver technical assistance and capacity building at the request of developing countries. 

Download Progress Report 2017

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