Technical Assistance Implementation Product: Construction of the National System of Indicators for Adaptation to Climate Change in Colombia


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Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center

CTCN Technical Assistance Project

National Adaptation Monitoring System for Colombia

Workshop Report: Construction of the National System of Indicators for Adaptation to Climate Change

The workshop’s objective was to work with climate change experts from Colombia in a participatory way to review a list of indicators related to climate change adaptation from different country experiences. This workshop is part of the process for the development and creation of a national monitoring system as a means for providing reliable information for monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation in different regions and cities. The process was prompted by a request from the Government of Colombia to the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and its implementation is supported by the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) and a partnership between UNEP, the Denmark Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Technical University of Denmark (UNEP DTU Partnership).

Presentations given by the Director of the Department of Climate Change from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Dr. Rodrigo Suarez Brown, and the Executive Director for the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), Dr. Jukka Uoukainen, presented to the workshop participants on the context of the project and its importance to the country. Workshop organizers then introduced the project and the objectives for the workshop, and then three presentations were given that summarized the experiences around designing monitoring systems for climate change adaptation in different contexts. The presentations are available through links that can be found in the workshop agenda. READ MORE

Photo Gallery

Photos from the workshop

Video Message from CTCN Director

CTCN Director addresses inception workshop on establishing national adaptation monitoring system for Colombia



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