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The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and the EU-funded CARISMA project on innovation for climate change mitigation jointly organise a summer school course on climate change mitigation. The course is taking place from 14 through 18 August 2017 as part of the Radboud Summer School programme in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The course is targeted at post-graduates, PhD students or junior professionals in public service working on the topic of climate change mitigation.
Climate change mitigation, i.e. human intervention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or enhance sinks of greenhouse gases, is firmly on the international policy agenda since the Paris Agreement of December 2015. For meeting the Paris Agreement goals, an acceleration will be required of global development, deployment and diffusion of technologies and practices for mitigation. The summer school course takes a multidisciplinary perspective and discuss climate mitigation technologies, practices, costs and benefits as well as related policies and needed governance.