News from the European Commission: Join the workshop on climate services for a climate-resilient Europe

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European Union

The Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME)/European Commission in cooperation with the H2020 project Climateurope invites to the workshop ‘Climate Services for a climate-resilient Europe’, on 2 December 2020, 09:00-15:00, on zoom (connection details after registration).

Agenda and registration are available here.

The workshop is a ‘Science-Policy-Practice Dialogue’ and intends to showcase the added value of climate services in mainstreaming adaptation in the context of the European Green Deal, the new EU Adaptation strategy and the Horizon Europe Mission on Adaptation.

It builds on the experience and lessons learnt of a portfolio of Horizon 2020 projects, which worked hand in hand with end users in different sectors (eg. energy, urban planning, agriculture), and were able to integrate the services developed in their decision-making at pre-operational and operational level.

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