News facts
From May 21-23, 2024, the CTCN worked with the National Institute of Green Technology (NIGT), the implementing partner of a Technical Assistance (TA) project for Samoa, to host a Technical Assistance workshop in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Samoa (National Designated Entity, NDE). The workshop focused on REDD+ readiness as part of the effort to combat climate change.
The project's goal was to establish a framework and methodology to estimate the carbon sink in Samoa's forestry sector. The 3-day workshop included discussions on project progress, forest mapping, carbon sink potential, and Samoa's REDD+ framework. Experts from Korea and Samoa shared their insights on the use of various technologies for forest management. Additionally, the delegation visited the G-Tower in Songdo, Incheon, where they met with the CTCN Partnership and Liaison Office and the Secretariat of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The GCF briefed the delegation on its portfolio for Samoa and the new Readiness strategy.
Throughout the workshop, a series of seminars were conducted to enhance the understanding of forest carbon management and policies in Pacific Island nations, including REDD+ MRV assessments and climate information services for resilient development planning.
The REDD+ framework for Samoa is nearing its finalisation. The delegation also discussed Samoa's TA project pipeline for 2024 and CTCN's multi-country TA windows, expressing keen interest in a feasibility study of green hydrogen and the formulation of a net metering policy.