Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF) online/ September 28-October 2, October 7-8

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Cross-sectoral enabler
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Since 2014, every year the Government of Japan has hosted the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF), gathering international leading figures tackling climate change through technological innovation in Tokyo, Japan.Initiated by Japan’s former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, ICEF brings the world’s best minds together to solve the 21st century’s greatest environmental challenges.

The ICEF’s mission is to nurture discussion and collaboration among participants and to disseminate innovations in energy and environmental technology to participants and beyond.

The ICEF 7th Annual Meeting will be held ONLINE from late September to early October. This year, ICEF is offering a more interactive experience of the program with access to live streaming of key events.

  • September 28 - October 2, 2020> Concurrent sessions
  • October 7 - 8, 2020> Opening session, Plenary sessions, Side events (Top 10 Innovations, Roadmap Project), Closing session

Hosts: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

Program (tentative):

Participants: Approximately 1,000 invited researchers, businesspersons, and policymakers from around the world

Participation fee: It requiers registration and is free of charge


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