Gender and technology: CTCN/UNIDO seeks proposals to mainstream gender in 13 West African countries


News facts

Source organisation
Climate Technology Centre and Network
Cross-sectoral enabler
Capacity building and training

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is seeking a member of the CTCN Network to provide technical services in order to mainstream gender for a climate resilient energy system in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The request for this technical assistance was submitted by 13 countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

Energy poverty is high in West Africa: over half of the population does not have access to electricity. While there has been an increase in capacity building in this sector, women, to a large extent, continue to be exempted from such interventions. For energy to be fully addressed in the region, it is necessary to include women as active agents of change who possess unique knowledge and skills to be acknowledged and utilised in the development of energy and environmental resilience. 

The purpose of this technical assistance is to support the ECOWAS Member States to achieve their universal energy access goals and ambitions through integration of gender inclusive features in climate resilient energy policies and practice. In order to implement this technical assistance, the CTCN seeks a Network member for the development of trainings on gender mainstreaming in energy and climate change; training of the Gender Focal Units of the Ministries; training of trainers in selected organizations involved in energy projects and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Complete Offer must be submitted via the UNIDO e-Procurement portal by 24 May 2017, 17:00 Vienna, Austria time.

In the event that your are not a  CTCN  network  member  yet,  you  may  bid  for  implementation  of  the  technical  assistance,  subject  to  the  condition  that  you  submit  your  completed  application  for  CTC Network membership before the bid closure and the same is acknowledged by the CTCN. Furthermore, the contract award – should your bid be selected – is conditional to your network membership application having been successfully approved by the Director of CTCN. Should the bidder decide to partner with another institution to deliver the services described in these Terms of Reference, it is expected that the partner institution also joins the CTC Network.

More about this technical assistance

Network application

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