The Eighth meeting of the CTCN Advisory Board


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Climate Technology Centre and Network

The Eighth meeting of the CTCN Advisory Board (AB8) took place from August 23-25 at UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark. In its overview of operations, the CTCN’s Director, Mr. Jukka Uosukainen reported that 136 requests for climate technology transfer assistance had been received by the CTCN, and that its Network is now in excess of 225 expert organizations (equally distributed among annex I and non-annex I countries). The Board welcomed the work undertaken to quantify outputs of the technical assistance that has been undertaken thus far. The Board also heard from a selection of implementing partners and National Designated Entities (country focal points) from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Thailand, Colombia and Mali, on the results achieved in CTCN’s efforts to implement high-impact projects on the ground.

The primary focus of the meeting was the financial status of the CTCN, its plans for resource mobilization, and how to continue to provide outstanding service to meet developing country increasing demand for climate technology expertise in light of the financial constraints facing the organization. The Advisory Board received reports from task forces on financing and financial visibility, and provisionally acknowledged a scaled budget that reflects both its cash on hand and pending contributions. The Board also discussed CTCN’s ongoing work with climate finance institutions and linkages with the operative bodies of the Technology Mechanism to develop robust, technically sound climate project proposals that can be financed at scale. In support of this objective, the CTCN Advisory Board Chair will participate at the upcoming 14th meeting of the Green Climate Fund Board to discuss ways in which the GCF can support developing country access to environmentally sound technologies. At the end of the meeting, the Board thanked Mr. Matthew Kennedy for his service as both Chair and Vice Chair and elected Ms. Mette Møglestue of Norway as its new Vice Chair.

The Board further reviewed the CTCN’s contribution to the Joint Annual Report to the COP that will be submitted with the Technology Executive Committee, and endorsed the Annual Operating Plan for 2017, laying out the CTCN’s areas of focus and objectives for the coming year. The Climate Technology Centre and Network is accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC through the CTCN Advisory Board. The Advisory Board meets twice per year and provides direction on the CTCN’s fulfilment of the COP’s guidance. The CTCN will participate actively at COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco, and will convene its Ninth Advisory Board meeting in early April 2017. 

Pictures from the meeting


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